Northern Plains Resource Council/Golden Triangle Resource Council
- 9/05/2024 - ACTION ALERT: Tell Senator Daines to stop stealing from Musselshell County!
- 8/09/2024 - please submit a comment to help kill the "zombie coal bill," MT HB 576. Deadline is 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
- 4/13/2024 - Deadline 9:00 a.m. April 17th: Eastern Montana's ag lands are not Exxon's dumping grounds!
- 2/29/2024 - Here is your chance to sign NPRC's petition to the PSC asking them to consider climate change in future rulings.
- 1/23/2024 - Northern Plains Resource Council has asked for help to protect groundwater in Pondera County
Comments must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 24, 2024
- 11/03/2023 - Northern Plains Resource Council - Comments requested to OSMRE
November 5, 2023 at midnight is the deadline to send your comments to OSMRE (Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement) concerning HB576 and SB392. More information about these two bills and suggested wording for your comments can be found here.
- 1/17/2023 - Northern Plains Resource Council Petition
Tell Interior Secretary Haaland to stand up to the criminally convicted Signal Peak Energy.
- 2/07/2022 - Northern Plains Resource Council Petition
Register your objection to adopting a narrative standard for water quality in Montana’s waterways. Deadline to sign is midnight 2/07/22 -
11/27/21 - Stop NorthWestern Energy's Laurel Methane Plant
Click here to read Northern Plains talking points about NorthWestern Energy's proposed Laurel Methane Plant. A sample 'letter to the editor' can be found here.