Citizens' Climate Lobby
The reconciliation package being drafted in the Senate right now is the best pathway climate advocates have had in a decade to enact a carbon price because it requires only 51 votes to pass. According to economists and scientists, a robust and fair carbon price is key to reducing our emissions rapidly. (See more about it in this 4 min. video by Fareed Zakaria or go to the CCL website!)
Citizens' Climate Lobby has launched a top priority campaign to generate as many emails and calls to our Senators as possible, to get us on their radar and get carbon pricing in that bill! We know it's crunch time for climate policy!
I’m asking you to spend five minutes today or in the next week and go to this website to write and call your Senators
I'd be more than happy to walk you through the process on the phone or answer any questions.
If you feel empowered and have time, please forward this to any friends, family members, and groups you know are concerned about climate change, so they can feel empowered, too!
If you get excited by seeing progress, go to our CitizensClimateMT website, see the national tally (if you are a member of CCL), or send me a text or email to say you called!
This one action could be a gamechanger for the climate, so let’s do it with hope and give it everything we’ve got!
Thanks again,
Kristen Walser
Co-Lead, Bozeman Chapter
State Co-Coordinator MT
Citizens' Climate Lobby
Citizens' Climate Lobby has launched a top priority campaign to generate as many emails and calls to our Senators as possible, to get us on their radar and get carbon pricing in that bill! We know it's crunch time for climate policy!
I’m asking you to spend five minutes today or in the next week and go to this website to write and call your Senators
I'd be more than happy to walk you through the process on the phone or answer any questions.
If you feel empowered and have time, please forward this to any friends, family members, and groups you know are concerned about climate change, so they can feel empowered, too!
If you get excited by seeing progress, go to our CitizensClimateMT website, see the national tally (if you are a member of CCL), or send me a text or email to say you called!
This one action could be a gamechanger for the climate, so let’s do it with hope and give it everything we’ve got!
Thanks again,
Kristen Walser
Co-Lead, Bozeman Chapter
State Co-Coordinator MT
Citizens' Climate Lobby